Kinnegad Parish - Year of Prayer

Litany Of The Sacred Heart.docx
Children's Prayer May 2024.pdf
Our Lady May.pdf

The Building and Development Fund 2024

The Fund has been in place for 18 years. It is designed as a way to support and enhance the basic infrastructure of the Parish – you can see its fruits in our lovely Parish Churches. Our Parish Churches, cemeteries etc. are a magnificent service to our whole community. The task of retaining all in good condition is demanding but unconditionally worth while. We prepare best for the future by acting now! Support the Building and Development Fund is an incredibly practical way of supporting our Parish.

How can you support the Fund?

You can use our online banking facility.

Kinnegad Parish No. 2 Account with Bank of Ireland

A/c no. 82254521 Bank code: 90-18-53

Branch address: Mullingar 

IBAN: IE06 BOFI 9018 5382 2545 21

BIC:BOFIIE2D Please use your name as reference.

Would you consider making a weekly contribution to the Building and Development Fund of between €7 and €10.

Plans for 2024/2025 Building and Development Fund

The Parish Finance Team are working on developing a number of projects that will enhance the infrastructure of the Parish and help us prepare for the future.

Our Parish Accounts for 2023 are currently being prepared for our Parish Accountants and audit. Details of income and expenditure are not available as yet. Whey they are, they will be displayed in each of our Churches.

Thank you for your financial support of the Parish

Contacting the local Priest

You can contact Fr. Tom at 044-9375117, You are most welcome to call at the Parochial House. The Parish Office opens on Friday from 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. You can phone the office at 044-9391030. You are welcome to call to the office in person. Our Parish Facebook

Mass Times in the Parish

Saturday (Vigil Mass): - Kinnegad 7.00 p.m.

Sunday Mass: Clonard 9.00 a.m. - Coralstown 10.30 a.m. Kinnegad 12.00 Noon

Weekday Mass Kinnegad: - Tuesday to Friday 9.00 a.m

Volunteering to Participate in the

Work of the Parish


Volunteering is the most valuable way for you to actively participate in the Church.  There is a deepening awareness throughout the Church that all of us who are committed to take our Baptism seriously and live Faithful lives do this best when we participate in our local Parish – where we can voluntarily give our time to work to further the Kingdom of God.  This is what Baptism set us up to do! And it is what our Parishes are fundamentally about.

If you would like to volunteer please download a form, give its suggestions some thought and volunteer!